
Teaching Kids About Manufacturing

An Overhead Crane Selection Guide

Overhead cranes are industrial lifting machines. As the name suggests, the lifting mechanism of these cranes runs horizontally on a fixed runways, allowing users to move loads side to side. Due to their robust design and stability, overhead cranes can carry heavy loads in industrial environments. 

If you're looking to hire an overhead crane for your industrial job, you should know that not all overhead cranes are created equal. Choosing the right crane for your job requires proper planning and forethought. Consider the following factors when deciding on the right overhead crane for your industrial needs.

The Weight of the Loads You Intend to Carry 

Overhead cranes are extremely powerful machines but they're not invincible. Like other types of cranes available on the market, they have their limits. When choosing an overhead crane, be sure to match its size to your job, find out how much weight you're going to carry, and then choose a machine that has the capacity to handle that weight safely and properly. If you intend to use the crane to lift and move loads of different weights, make your choice based on the weight of the heaviest items you're going to carry.

The Right Crane Configuration for Your Job

Industrial cranes come in a variety of mechanical and electrical component options to suit the requirements of different applications. For example, telescoping bridge cranes have a secondary beam located directly below the main beam. This allows for extension outside the normal reach of a standard bridge crane. Knowing what specific features you need for your application will help you choose the right machine for the job.

The Operating Environment

Where do you intend to use your industrial crane? Overhead cranes are large pieces of equipment. If you need to use them at your facility or site, it's important to assess the facility or site before making the decision to rent.

Some key aspects to consider before renting an overhead crane include:

  • Building or site size
  • Potential obstructions
  • Clearance requirements for safe crane operations

The right crane should be transported to your site, then installed, operated, and maintained without any significant challenges. 

All of the factors to be considered when you're selecting an overhead crane for your industrial application can be overwhelming to sift through on your own. Consider asking the experts at a crane service near you to help with choosing the best crane for your project. 

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Teaching Kids About Manufacturing

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of different ways that your life is better than your ancestors. For starters, we have the privilege of living in a society that is incredibly advanced, making it easier to enjoy first-world amenities like air conditioning, cable television, and homes that are safe and comfortable. However, there are other things that people really take for granted, which is why working with your kids to understand industrial and manufacturing concerns is so important. I started chatting with my kids about manufacturing months ago, and it felt good to teach them something about the way the world worked. Check out this website to learn more about manufacturing to share the information with someone else.

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